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Director of Governmental Affairs | 乔治亚州律师协会

部门: Governmental Affairs/Legislative Program
报告: 执行董事
状态: 全职/豁免

政府事务主任为州律师的立法项目提供领导和指导. 他们负责发展, 管理和实施州律师协会感兴趣的立法问题策略,并与律师协会成员就影响法律职业的相关立法进行沟通. 该主任还在格鲁吉亚大会上担任格鲁吉亚司法机构和其他法律利益攸关方团体的联络人.

The 乔治亚州律师协会 exists to foster among the 成员 of the Bar of this state the principles of duty and service to the public; to improve the administration of justice; and to advance the science of law. All persons authorized to practice law in this state are required to be 成员.

Specific 职责 and Responsibilities

  • 与州律师协会的民选领导层和理事会密切合作,制定和实施组织的政府关系战略.
  • 识别和跟踪与法律实践和国家司法部门运作有关的关键立法问题.
  • 协助州律师协会起草和制定潜在的立法计划.
  • Serve as support staff to State Bar committees, including the Advisory Committee on Legislation, 法官和律师委员会, and the Judicial Qualifications Nominating Commission.
  • 在整个立法会议期间,积极与州律师协会领导层沟通新的活动和立法变化.
  • 将第一修正案的强制性言论和强制性协会分析应用于律师协会领导层所考虑的前瞻性倡议和行动.
  • 在大会召开期间,为律师协会成员和律师协会领导层起草定期的立法更新和其他通信.
  • 倡导州拨款和资金,以支持为低收入格鲁吉亚人提供民事法律服务的有针对性的拨款项目.
  • Manage outside legislative consultants, 以及与其他专业律师协会和在州议会大厦工作的利益团体的关系.
  • 在为期40天的立法会议期间,保持在州议会大厦的积极存在, including regular attendance in House and Senate Judiciary hearings.
  • 准备律师协会成员在州众议院和参议院委员会就州律师协会的倡议作证.
  • Maintain communication with elected and appointed state public officials, their staff and other persons influential in state policy, 法例及规例.
  • Keep Bar leaders updated on political and policy trends and developments.
  • Field requests from government officials, including requests for government engagement and event participation.
  • 计划和执行参与活动,促进州律师协会领导和民选官员之间的关系.
  • 在小组讨论中担任发言人, 在午餐和会议上讨论州律师协会的立法倡议,以及如何在州议会成为一名有效的倡导者.


  • 与民选官员沟通.
  • 在准政府实体或政府实体规定的限制范围内计划和执行目标.
  • Support committees with administrative tasks, 例如发送会议通知, 准备议程, taking minutes and providing supporting materials.
  • Interact with and support the public and State Bar staff, 成员, 志愿者, committee/board 成员 and leaders in a timely and professional manner.


  • 良好的人际交往能力.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • 对格鲁吉亚的政治和决策形势有敏锐的判断和理解.
  • Self-starter who can manage a program budget and legislative consultants.
  • Attention to detail and ability to produce high-quality work product.
  • 具有解决问题的知识和尊重不同观点的能力.
  • Ability exercise patience and discretion while engaging with State Bar staff, 成员, 志愿者, 委员会/董事会成员和领导.
  • The ability to operate standard office equipment.
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office 365, Zoom and Adobe Suite.


  • 至少5年的政府事务工作经验,或担任州政府任命或选举官员的高级职员.
  • Juris Doctor degree from an accredited law school.
  • A bachelor’s degree in political science, 工商管理, communications or related curriculum is required. 毕业于认可的法学院和乔治亚州律师协会会员优先.
  • Prior involvement with the federal and state policymaking processes.
  • A history of establishing trustworthy relationships with elected officials, 法官, 行政领导, and 成员 of a professional trade association.
  • Expertise in policy issues that impact the legal profession, 律师执照及监管, 司法部门.
  • Knowledge of Georgia’s judicial branch and its various classes of courts.


  • Send an email with resume attached to HR@jinlongzhizao.com.
  • 请输入 政府事务总监 作为电子邮件的主题.
  • Please include a cover letter explaining your interest in the position, 工作经验总结, at least three references and your contact information.


Program Coordinator | Institute of Continuing Legal Education 

部门: Institute of Continuing Legal Education (I继续教育)
报告: 项目经理
状态: 全日制/非豁免


所列职责仅作为可能执行的各种工作类型的说明. 如果工作相似,遗漏具体陈述或职责并不排除他们的职位, related or a logical assignment to the position. 
The position requires physical labor, to include lifting or standing for extended periods of time, as well as the ability to work early mornings, 周末, 和晚上, 根据需要.


  • 协调和支持面对面和虚拟法律继续教育(继续教育)项目的发展.
  • 与运营助理总监(ADO)和项目经理(PM)持续合作,确保继续教育项目的无缝执行.
  • 协调继续教育项目从项目分配到结束的行政细节.
  • 与律师和高层管理人员进行有效的沟通,以支持继续教育项目议程的发展
  • 维护和更新项目议程, 特别注意确保所有课程和教师的详细信息完整和正确, and appropriately track and update information, communicating all changes to other department teams, 根据需要.
  • Respond to all communications (internal and external) in a timely manner, keeping PM up to date on the status of ongoing projects.
  • Collaborate on the marketing of assigned I继续教育 programs.
  • 监控项目进度,并与同事沟通,预测项目主席的需求, program speakers and program attendees.
  • Prepare budgets for programs and communicate with program chairs, section leaders and State Bar departments regarding program budget.
  • 执行项目日后勤.
  • Complete post-program work for the on-demand (recorded) production of programs.


  • 与其他州律师事务所的同事合作.
  • Ensure the accurate and timely delivery of contracts, 账单, and expense reports to appropriate Bar staff.
  • Work as part of a team; interact with and support 乔治亚州律师协会 staff, 成员, 和志愿者.
  • Support Bar staff in any assigned responsibilities.
  • Comply with 乔治亚州律师协会 policies.
  • Available to provide timely and personal attention to the public, 以及乔治亚州律师协会的工作人员, 会员及义工.
  • 完成分配的其他任务.


  • 熟练使用Office办公软件:Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook和Teams.
  • Ability to become familiar with organization specific programs and software.


  • 学士学位. 
  • 具有项目管理、活动和会议计划的经验和熟悉度.
  • 有律师事务所、政府法律部门或律师协会工作经验者优先.
  • Excellent collaboration and organizational skills, including the ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects.
  • 优秀的人际关系,客户服务,书面和口头沟通能力
  • 积极主动,能够同时处理多项任务,对细节的关注无可挑剔.
  • Ability to work under pressure and ad在这里 to deadlines.


  • In-state and out-of-state travel required.
  • 旅行 expenses reimbursed pursuant to State Bar policies and procedures.


  • Send an email with resume attached to HR@jinlongzhizao.com.
  • 请输入 “程序COORD” 作为电子邮件的主题.
  • Please include a cover letter explaining your interest in the position, 工作经验总结, at least three references and your contact information.


The 乔治亚州律师协会 is a smoke-free environment.

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